
Showing posts from September, 2023

Paypal Coming to Pakistan

What Is PayPal?  PayPal is a payment platform with a website and a phone app that enables payments between parties through online plutocrat transfers. PayPal guests produce an account and connect it to a checking account, a credit card, or both. Once identification and evidence of finances are verified, druggies can shoot or admit payments online or in a store using PayPal as the go- between. Millions of small and large retailers, online and in the real world, accept PayPal payments.1 PayPal also offers credit and disbenefit cards ingrained with the PayPal name .   KEY TAKEAWAYS • PayPal is an online payment platform that facilitates payments between individualities and businesses. • PayPal was a attachment of eBay but was spun off into a separate company in2015.2 • In addition to online payments, PayPal offers a disbenefit card for payments, credit card compendiums for use in businesses, and lines of credit. • PayPal is considered a veritably secure system of transferring paym

Pakistan’s Economy and Challenges

             Pakistan’s Economy and Challenges Pakistan is experiencing severe economic challenges reflecting long-standing structural we aknesses. Pakistan made significant progress towards reducing poverty between 2001 and 2018 when the expansion of off-farm economic opportunities and increased inflow of remittances allowed over 47 million Pakistanis to rise out of poverty. However, this rapid poverty reduction has not fully translated into improved socio-economic conditions, as human capital outcomes have remained poor and stagnant, with high levels of stunting at 38 percent and learning poverty at 75 percent. In addition, reflecting a consumption-driven growth model, with limited productivity-enhancing investment and exports, strong economic growth often comes at a cost of economic imbalances and frequent macroeconomic crises. Long-term growth of real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita therefore has been low, averaging only around 2.2 percent annually over 2000-22. Pakista