Footfairy Ending Explained & end credit scene 2020 Drama Thriller movie - YT Good - Viral

YT Good - Viral

Footfairy Ending Explained & end credit scene 2020 Drama Thriller movie - YT Good - Viral

Serial killer-themed films never seem to be average. The middle ground is a new territory that "Foot fairy" explores through its plot and storytelling. 

It is a terrible imitation of the 2003 great criminal thriller by Bong Joon-Ho.

Memory of a Murder It follows veteran officer Vivaan as he works to find a serial killer who chops his victims' feet after they die. The modest execution of "Foot fairy" and the methodical study that draws the viewer in make it fascinating. Let's watch how everything plays out.

Is Joshua the murderer on the loose?

In the opening scene of "Foot fairy," a woman is shown strolling down the railroad tracks when she is startled by a man, who covers her head with a plastic bag to suffocate her to death.Foot Fairy, the town's serial murderer who kills innocent ladies, has claimed more victims in the past than just this one.

They only know that the deaths take place close to railroad tracks and that the women almost always had open-toed shoes on. Because he doesn't want to defend the police in a news debate, Vivaan's supervisor asks him to solve the case as soon as possible.

The movie pulls off a few funny jokes. As with other sections of the content, we had resorted to using ridiculous allegories as a way to inject hum our into the plot.

 A magazine covered in male sperm is discovered at the crime scene as the police continue their investigation. They discovered after several tests that it might belong to a cab driver by the name of Ravi Kale.

When they question him, they discover that he is not the murderer because his alibi is credible. In the meanwhile, a woman by the name of Vanessa D'Souza was murdered.

In an effort to spot her killer there, the police attend the funeral service. He does indeed arrive, but escapes before they can capture him. 

The authorities discovered, after following every possible lead, that all of the victims had visited "Love, Stock, and Burgers" a few days prior to their demise. Joshua, the owner, is known to have a penchant for feet.

He had violent tendencies, according to his ex-testimony. girlfriend's However, the evidence is insufficient to get a warrant for his arrest.

We find it interesting that the movie led us to believe that the killings were motivated by a foot fetish. Because preliminary data indicates that it is among the most prevalent fetishes worldwide. We don't see how a foot fetish would combine with the hatred of women that most serial killers who prey on women have.

In the meantime, Vivaan devises a strategy to gather evidence against the proprietor of the burger joint. After telling Joshua, he convinces Shakhin, one of the regulars, to act as though she is alone while she walks along the railroad lines. She becomes frightened, though, and they are forced to abort the idea.

Shahin wasn't someone who frequently rode the train. By choosing to attack her, the FootFairy would be departing from its usual course of action. However, a man by the name of Sandeep eventually steps forward and claims to have seen the Foot Fairy. When asked if he knew him, he points to Joshua's and another man's photos as potential suspects.

This is enough to obtain a warrant for them.  A fresh victim is discovered, though. She is the daughter of Vivaan's neighbour, who he had feelings for.

A quest to find the killer now has vengeance added into the equation. But what happens afterwards alters how the entire investigation is conducted. Joshua is not identified as the offender, but he does end up accusing the police of slander, which essentially puts an end to the investigation. On the other hand, the murders halt.

What Happens at the End? Does Vivaan Find the Footfairy?

In the seven years that follow, Vivaan is running his own security company after quitting his employment, as shown in the movie.He and the other person are gazing at the railroad tracks when a kid asks them why. The child admits, after some prodding, that the other guy claimed he had left a bag there decades earlier and was simply inspecting the location.

Vivaan that he is referring to the FootFairy. Where did the man go, he queries. The child gestures in the direction of where the railroad tracks will be when the movie is over.

In the last scene, a woman is seen strolling. The woman is not from India, nor is the place. A plastic hat is placed over her head as she turns around after being struck by a snowball, and the screen goes black. As a result, Footfairy continues to exist, although in a different country.

Joshua: From the outset, all the fingers are pointed at him.He had a method for focusing on particular victims, and when he shuttered his cafe and left, the killings truly ceased.

Not to mention the fact that he appeared to love choking her, according to his girlfriend, who stated she believed he was responsible for the deaths.

Joshua says he killed the girl after Vivaan confronts him after discovering the girl's body and accusing him of killing her. But he admits that he is only saying it to pique Vivaan's interest.

Just before he shoots him, Harsh comes with the forensic results. Joshua's genetic makeup differs from that of a FootFairy. If he had a partner, as we previously theorised, this would make sense.However, a part of us thinks it is too obvious.  He was upfront about his foot fetish, however, and was thinking about something more specific.

By suppressing their darkest, most disturbing ideas, serial killers are created. For these reasons, should the producers decide to make him the serial killer in a sequel, we won't be happy with it.

Vivaan works with Rishabh, but we don't immediately think of him until two very important facts are revealed in the final few minutes: first, Rishabh is in Russia; and second, the end titles show the FootFairy operating abroad.

The fact that the victims had visited the same burger restaurant a week or two prior to their deaths is such an improbable connection to make.

If you weren't the genuine mastermind, how could you have known this information in the first place? He would always show up first at a crime scene. Also remember that the FootFairy, cleverly evading questions while claiming to understand them, did so.

That may suggest that he has experience with police methods or investigations. He was with Vivaan when the FootFairy was serving Vanessa, to be sure, but could it have been a cover or a complete red herring?

A fourth option: Since we're trying to think like the author does, this is the one we're most convinced about. Who would they have imagined as the serial murderer if they had wanted the viewers to form their own theories? Was the persona ever given a face, or was he only Vivaan's pain and obsession's emblem? if that is the case.

Ultimately, we will select a favoured theory and select the thriller, but we would also like to gain insight into the writer's thought process.

Conclusion: What Is Effective for the Film?

One would assume that the abundance of conspiracies that this film can inspire has improved its standing from merely passable to something truly excellent. A man is searching for a shady killer; the creators don't strive to do too much. The end of that.

It was wonderful to see a police officer who is not haunted by his background. We truly laughed out loud at several of the jokes, such as the one about the tsunami or the joke about changing a softcover book into a hardback.

There might be a sequel in which Vivaan tries to find the killer. Neither of these two options bothers us. Even if it's not "must-see," it's entertaining enough to watch on a leisurely afternoon and may be done so.

Kanishk Varma is the director of the 2020 Drama Thriller movie "Footfairy."

  1. footfairy end credit scene
  2. footfairy ending explained
  3. foot fairy ending
  4. foot fairy killer
  5. footfairy ending
  6. footfairy post credit scene
  7. foot fairy ending explained
  8. foot fairy end credit scene
  9. footfairy killer rishabh
  10. footfairy killer
  11. foot fairy ending who is the killer
  12. footfairy end credits
  13. footfairy end credits scene
  14. footfairy who is the killer


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